No copyright music
No copyright music

no copyright music

I also spoke to Tim Stockman, CEO of Blue Dog Video, to get his take on where video production companies are getting their music. Not happening with modern copyright laws.Ī piece of music officially copyrighted through the proper channels offers airtight protection, so YouTube creators, don’t let your guard down. This fills in the blanks with a black ink pen.Īnd forget the old “Poor Man’s Copyright.” This is the method where you mail yourself a copy of the work and keep it in a sealed envelope. To really establish full protection, the composer must register his or her piece with the U.S. Know the following steps to complete the beautiful cycle of your video production process: Although it’s true that music is protected once “maestro” sets his or her notes to paper or recording, it would require something more concrete than that to win a battle in the judicial system. It would be helpful to understand music copyright laws so you can stay out of trouble. YouTube has rules, and you’d better follow them or your debut will never hit the box office. Videographers beware of copyright infringement. Your next thought is okay, I just have to surf through my playlists and grab some great tunes. You weren’t planning on a silent movie, were you? Surely your video needs sound to be complete. You’ve been busy writing, planning, projecting, and casting. So, you’ve established an idea for a YouTube video – a concept, visuals, script.

No copyright music